“Voices and Choices: Who and What Are Educators Willing to Hear?” Presented by Kareem Weaver

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Join The Reading League Illinois on May 19 via Zoom for a presentation by Kareem Weaver and panel discussion about access to structured literacy as a social justice issue— and how we can effectively work for change.

During his presentation titled “Voice and Choices: Who and What Are Educators Willing to Hear? The Culture of Reading Instruction,” Kareem will also explore the unique legacy of Chicago educators in the science of reading, leaving attendees motivated and empowered to continue the conversation in their school communities and work toward bringing evidence-aligned literacy instruction to Illinois classrooms.

Zaner-Bloser is pleased to sponsor this event and help bring the meaningful content to Illinois educators!

Note: Webinar attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.


Kareem Weaver is a member of the Oakland NAACP Education Committee; a leader of Full and Complete Reading is a Universal Mandate (FULCRUM); and was an award-winning teacher and administrator in Oakland, California, and Columbia, South Carolina. Kareem has an undergraduate degree from Morehouse College and a master’s in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina.

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